Chris Holroyde – Sectional Master
Played for my college at London University. Emigrated to the US in 1968 and played briefly for maybe five years. Then came a new wife, children and a busy profession meaning no bridge for 46 years until retirement three years ago. After 50 years in practice as a hematologist-oncologist and now with time on my hands, what could be more natural than to resume a consuming pastime? So over time I have witnessed Acol, Precision Club, Standard American and now Two over One. To me, bridge is a passion rekindled and sufficiently infectious that my wife, who never played until very recently, is now hooked.
I have no recommendations regarding improvement in my bridge experience as I am perfectly satisfied as is. To achieve my next bridge goal, I will have to live longer and attend more tournaments. There is no guarantee of the former despite my current good health and the latter is being planned.