William Hankin – Club Master
I grew up in a card-playing family. Canasta, hearts, and my mother and her siblings played rubber bridge. My mom taught me and my sister bridge when we were teenagers. I played a lot in college, learning the old Goren rules. I developed a certain card sense but never learned to visualize all the other hands.
In late 2016 I was introduced to a Chicago game at the local senior center. Soon after in Mar. 2017 I started playing duplicate bridge at the Bayside Bridge Club in Somers Point, NJ. I joined the ACBL then.
I have attended some lessons at the Northfield NJ’s Shore Bridge Club and get tips from the many experienced players. I have been reading bridge books by Grant, Cohen, Stewart and others. A partner and I won some gold and red points at the Nationals in Philadelphia just recently. I am still working on visualizing the other hands. There is so much to learn and so little time to learn it.