Kathy Hazen – Junior Master
It took me a year to achieve Junior Master status. I started playing in sanctioned games with my partner and we always came in last . . . for many months. It seemed like we would never climb out of … Continue reading →
It took me a year to achieve Junior Master status. I started playing in sanctioned games with my partner and we always came in last . . . for many months. It seemed like we would never climb out of … Continue reading →
I learned bridge around 8 years of age, my parents both played socially and I wanted to learn, so my mom would have me as her partner when she played with friends or family and my dad wasn’t available. I … Continue reading →
I first played bridge in 1997 after my father and father-in-law both passed away. We wanted an activity we could do with our mothers.So we took night-school classes of bridge. Those classes gave us the basic skills to be able … Continue reading →
Now that I am retired, I am spending a lot more time playing bridge. I learned the game decades ago because my mother believed knowing how to play bridge was as important to succeeding in college as good SAT scores. … Continue reading →
My bridge life began a few years back when a friend of mine asked if I wanted to learn how to play the game with her by taking lessons. We decided to take lessons at the local Women’s club and … Continue reading →
My husband died in 1995 very suddenly and right before my eyes. I was in shock and became very anxious which spiraled into a deep clinical depression. A friend of mine, who was also going through problems of her own, … Continue reading →