Bridge is a great game – my story started while in college. When in the Student Union at lunchtime, this underclassman noticed a “cute” upperclassman playing bridge with 3 professors. Many days passed by, and, finally, I summoned enough nerve to sit on the edge of the bench seat and watch the game “up close.” The rest is history!
I decided while in college that golf and bridge were the way to my man’s heart ~ we celebrated 50 years of marriage a year ago and it’s been a wonderful 50+ years. Nick & I both had active careers and supported our children’s activities. With what little time was left, we each played bridge (when possible) and golf for our county club teams. Philadelphia CC Suburban Mixed Pairs Bridge League gave more opportunity for bridge play. Jane Segal was women’s teacher; I attended lessons whenever possible. Jane was a good teacher and I learned a lot from her.
Shortly after our move to Whitpain Farm in 2007, we learned Bobbie Gomer was offering a series of lessons in the community. Bobbie was wonderful; her instruction gave foundation to take my game to a higher level. She also stressed duplicate play so I accepted a neighbor’s invitation to play one afternoon. We came in 1st! Thank heavens Bill Bauer was directing the game; he knew Nick and suggested I sign us both up for membership in ACBL that December day. For several years our activities allowed only sporadic duplicate play; fortunately, the last two years, we’ve found time to play once or twice most weeks. Bobbie continued to encourage and support us throughout the journey. An added benefit, both Nick and I have enjoyed being able to explore different areas of our wonderful country, combining play in a few Regional tournaments. What a fun way to get “needed” color points! Now that we’ve both achieved Life Master Status, combining tournaments with travel will be even more fun!