Frank Doub, a resident of Falling Waters, with roots in Washington County, recently achieved the most sought after rank in competitive bridge: Life Master. To achieve this rank, a player must gain different types of points—gold, silver, black—in competition at the local, state and regional level. Frank met the goal of 500 points at a regional tournament in Reston, VA, on July 2.
Frank began his quest for Life Master in 2015. He played bridge with his parents and socially with friends for many years but discovered competitive bridge once he retired. Members of the Hagerstown and Martinsburg Duplicate Bridge Clubs partnered with Frank as he travelled to tournaments as far away as Gatlinburg, Tennessee to get the required points.
“Bridge is a wonderful and fascinating game. It is a great way to exercise your brain which at my age, 68, is a good idea” reports Frank. “It also gets you out of the house and enables you to socialize with some really great people. I received my early lessons from Frank Carden and then later from Dan Putnam,, both of whom are directors at the Hagerstown Club. My primary partner has been Charles Meister, who is the director of the Martinsburg Club”.
There are many levels of Life Master. Frank already has his sights set on the next rank, Bronze Life Master. Charles Meister, a silver Life Master, does not doubt Frank will achieve his goal.
“Frank is very deliberate in his play. He is a good partner, compliments good play and does not criticize his partner’s mistakes.”