My first foray into sanctioned duplicate bridge occurred on a vacation to Bermuda some thirty years ago. We went to the Bermuda Bridge Club with another couple, sitting North-South while our friends sat East-West. Both of us came in first in our directions. We were pretty impressed with ourselves until we found out later that it was an Under-Twenty point game. But it was the beginning of our quest for Life Master.
Lancaster was our favorite tournament destination, but we ranged far in pursuit of our goal, from Tennessee to Canada, Palm Springs to Vancouver. It was a great way to take vacations from our stressful jobs. My husband Rich and I both earned our Life Master status in 2000. We coasted a while. filling our lives with all sorts of volunteerism and grand-parenting and attended fewer tournaments through those years. Although Rich no longer plays as often as I do, he was my partner when we came in first overall a few weeks ago to put me over the 1000 points.
District 4 has given our Unit 133 good guidance and support. We like the directors we have had assigned to us. The District 4 Spot keeps us abreast of what’s happening elsewhere in the unit and provides a venue for us to communicate our news. Above all, we’re gratified that players from many parts of the region, including the Philadelphia area, like to come to our sectionals. It is good to feel we’re part of the larger bridge community.