Getting to be a diamond life master had become a group project. Leading the group of partners was my husband Buddy. He was always there to support me and to be the master of the” Big Club” convention we played? Others from York, became my monthly partners in success.
Over the many years, any bridge player at my table has become my bridge family. There is always a story or a bridge hand to hear about. Success at bridge is more than skill, it is also a love of people and the game.
Tag Archives: story
Julia Brooks – Silver Life Master
My first foray into sanctioned duplicate bridge occurred on a vacation to Bermuda some thirty years ago. We went to the Bermuda Bridge Club with another couple, sitting North-South while our friends sat East-West. Both of us came in first in our directions. We were pretty impressed with ourselves until we found out later that it was an Under-Twenty point game. But it was the beginning of our quest for Life Master.
Lancaster was our favorite tournament destination, but we ranged far in pursuit of our goal, from Tennessee to Canada, Palm Springs to Vancouver. It was a great way to take vacations from our stressful jobs. My husband Rich and I both earned our Life Master status in 2000. We coasted a while. filling our lives with all sorts of volunteerism and grand-parenting and attended fewer tournaments through those years. Although Rich no longer plays as often as I do, he was my partner when we came in first overall a few weeks ago to put me over the 1000 points.
District 4 has given our Unit 133 good guidance and support. We like the directors we have had assigned to us. The District 4 Spot keeps us abreast of what’s happening elsewhere in the unit and provides a venue for us to communicate our news. Above all, we’re gratified that players from many parts of the region, including the Philadelphia area, like to come to our sectionals. It is good to feel we’re part of the larger bridge community.
Joseph Eskin – Life Master
The 80 year old Life Master
Joseph Eskin is a club director in Harrisburg. He has accumulated over 1400 master points. Joe is over 80 years old.
For multiple reasons he has traveled to almost no tournaments for 20-30 years. Joe needed 13.3 Gold points to become Life Master.
Joe’s son David decided that, with Harrisburg Split Site Regional being local and a workable 10/2:30 start times, he would play with his dad to try to cut the amount needed.
On Tuesday afternoon they played. They ended up with an overall scratch worth 6.83 Gold. Nice game, home they went. Half an hour later, the Split Site comparisons were done, and they had advanced to first overall in B (0-2500) across both sites, 12.37 Gold. The call to Joe with the update was received with delight. The callback from David did not arrive until 10:30 that night. His response was a sarcastic “Damn, I guess we have to play again this weekend”.
Saturday they did. A small Flight B overall place netted another 2.49 Gold, producing our newest 80+ year old Life Master.
Moral: It’s never too late to pursue that elusive LM goal.
Manjula Mehta – Club Master
I grew up in India and came here 40 years ago and have lived in Rochester all along.My parents taught me bridge when I was in college as they were avid players but they played rubber bridge…my husband,a medical doctor learned in college as we played a little when we got married and when the kids came we didn’t play for a number of years but now that we are empty nesters got back into it and love duplicate-realizing how the game has changed with the advent of so many new conventions…we have taken lessons and read a lot to improve our game…My husband Jagat and I play well together but he is still working so we only play once or twice a month together…I am still looking for a good and serious partner so I can play more and rack up some more points.I find the game so interesting as you are always thinking and learning with each new hand.Rochester has an impressive bridge community and my hope is to find a partner and play more.
Sherell Morris – Bronze Life Master
My father was in the Air Force and while stationed in England – he and my mother played duplicate bridge with the locals. It was there that our parents taught my sister and I the basics of bridge as teenagers. It was many years later before I continued to learn about bridge. First party bridge then a few times at the local ACBL duplicate game in Toledo Ohio where I won my first 2 mps in 1988. .. which held for twenty years! that point I seriously began brushing up online w/ BBO so that I could be up to par playing in the local clubs. My first tournament was at The Bridge Boardroom in York Pa. I was paired with a ‘ ringer’ and won that day! It was a huge encouragement since I was so very nervous. From then on I continued playing in the local clubs but really enjoy the tournaments for the competition. I wish to acknowledge Edward Scanlon, owner of the Bridge Boardroom in York. He has been the most influential person in my bridge world. He has helped me when I have made poor judgment and given advise on tournament issues ..he is an excellent teacher on many levels and covers a wide variety of topics / issues that a bridge player needs to know, He is so dedicated to the bridge community and truly helps so many folks.
Jane Romal – Life Master
Earning a Life Masters took about 9 years, during which time I worked full time as an associate professor of accounting and did lots of other things, including traveling. This “Masters” was the hardest one to earn – after ones in mathematics and an MBA! (-: All of my needed colored points were earned playing with players like me—non Life Masters—so I encourage players to play with comfortable partners at their own level, but against those better than they are on their home turf, while constantly studying the game and perfecting partnerships. Gold Rush events helped immensely. Most players are very considerate and helpful, but non-Life Masters, who are upset playing against more accomplished players should consider the advantages of better competition and not be intimidated. Duplicate is a great game, where I’ve meet many fine people. My personal thanks to all my partners and opponents.